Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Brazil still feels a lot like 'home'

Sunday afternoon

We are finding the same kind of warmth and friendliness that caused us to fall in love with Brazil is still here..and I am not referring to the weather. It is warm, but the winter warm not the summer hot. The temperature when we landed in Cuiaba was about 90. Generally we have been pretty comfortable.

Yesterday I got a report on the training school and was extremely pleased. The graduation in December will include 21. This is the second class. The first was 10. Zanatta's list of probable new students in the next class in February is already 16. We talked about the ideal size of a class being 10 so they are trying to be a little selective and not overload Alvaro and Zanatta.

Last night Jose Luiz performed his first wedding. His wife taught an excellent class for the women at church this morning, according to my report from Rita. They have a darling 11 month old girl who has everyone captivated. She is a doll. This is the couple that our family chose to support financially for five years after his graduation at the end of 2003. He works full time for the downtown church.

Charley Huffman preached and Ricardo Maia lead singing at church this morning. Charley still preaches with the same passion I remember from 35 plus years ago. It is good to spend time with him.

Mitch and I are ready for out fishing trip to the Pantanal. Zanatta bought a huge ice chest to bring back the catch. He, Ricardo Maia from Belo, Charley Huffman, Jose Balabuch from Cuiaba and a student at SerCris along with his two sons Timoteo 16 and Tito 12 are going with us. We are to leave at 6:00 am tomorrow (Monday) and come back late Wednesday. Fish or none, we will have good stories to tell, I am sure.

My efforts to make telephone calls back to the US have been, by and large, unsuccessful. We love you and look forward to sharing stories of our great time with Mitch. We are terribly proud of the way he is taking everything in and making the most of each experience. Today Zanatta took him through the central market and had him try all kinds of things to eat, including the marshmellow stuff made of cow hoofs. Mitch hung in there and tried it all like a great sport. (He checks regularly to see who has responded to his blog posts so let him hear from you if you get time.)

Bye for now. Love,


At 3:46 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Mitch - I would have loved to see you in that market trying all sorts of different food - what a funny thought! Is grandpa for real when he says, "cow hoofs?" Do you still feel the same way about cheese?

If we don't hear from you today, I guess it won't be until Thursday after your fishing trip. We missed a call early this morning - sorry about that. Your fishing trip sounds like it's going to be really fun. I'm glad Timoteo & Tito are going with you.

Dad's playing some golf right now with Uncle Tod. The kids got to swim at the Fender's pool for a little while this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Fender did a good job telling dad why we "needed" to get a pool.
The kids still talk about how much they miss you - especially Josh. He kind of whines when he says, "I really miss Mitch." He's the baby, though, so he always kind of whines, doesn't he?

Dale, the training school sounds great! What a wonderful ministry to be a part of. Cary & I can't thank you enough for letting Mitch have this experience - I'm especially glad he's getting to see your first "home" up close & personal.

I love you & I'm proud of you. Stay safe and have fun on the river!

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Our connection with the people of Brazil is a really special one. When I tell people I was born in Brazil I always do so proudly. Tell Lela and Zanatta and the rest my family sends their greetings.

We had a great weekend at Providence Point with all of Holly's college roommates. Once again I was reminded of what a blessing that place is. Thanks again for allowing us to use it.

Have a great time fishing at the Pantanal. I wish I could be there with you.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger LeeAnn said...

Dale please tell the Zanatta's hello for us. I still think that being in their home was one of Hutton's favorite parts of the trip. Looking forward to having you home.


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