Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Friday, March 04, 2005

spring break?

Hey everyone! We are wondering who is going to be at the lake when. If I remember what Holly said earlier, she will be there with the kids all week. We are thinking about coming for Thurs-Sat., but only if some of you are there to play with! Our spring break is the next week.

I have to tell you about my son, Alex. Let's see who he reminds you of in our family...
As our church began the 40 days, we began talking about what we could give up. Alex decided to give up chocolate and has been very, very faithful to his commitment. I'm so proud of him. He doesn't act prideful or like a martyr or even sad--just matter-of-factly reminds me when something being offered him is not allowed. If you ask him why he's not having chocolate, he'll simply say, "So I can think more about Jesus."
We were at Wendy's earlier this week and I unthinkingly asked him if he wanted a Frosty or Sprite. He first said Frosty, then ran up to me and said, "Wait, Mom! I can't have a Frosty. I'll take Sprite." As Katy and her little friend ate their frosties, he never said one word about it. (Every so often we do dream about what kinds of chocolate we're going to have for our Easter celebration--it's going to be good!)
I long for the kind of innocent faithfulness he shows me. He just does what he says he's going to do. No big show, no need to draw attention to his great sacrifice--just living with integrity. That's how I want to be when I grow up.

I'm thankful for all the role models in my life--many of whom are on this blog!


At 10:35 PM, Blogger Jill said...

wow-I love little Alex's heart! Giving up chocolate is not even in the realm of my understanding - sad, but true. Tell him his uncle Cary & aunt Jill & cousins say, "Keep thinking about Jesus, Alex!"
love you-


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