Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

We Won!

The championship game was great tonight - the whole family would have been proud of the "Brown Boys." They hustled, they both scored, and they're just the best-lookin' 5th grade boys I know. I really do like watching basketball - especially when you're on a team that wins all the time!
Cary is on his way back tonight from skiing in Ruidoso with Ashley, Kyle & Kenzi McGraw. They said they had a great day of skiing - pretty good snow for Ruidoso.
Okay - here goes a kind of rambling blog. I must thank everybody for all of the great info being passed around on this site. From Anda's info on world madate, Larry James info, Mike Cope blog & other blogs, etc. It's kind of got me in a stew in a good kind of way. I've been reading-up on Central Dallas Ministries and I'm really liking that whole thing. So much so that I've got some ideas, thoughts, dreams, maybe. You know when you kind of get that feeling like God may be up to something with you but you aren't sure what. I like everything I see & hear about helping the poor (which is a relative term to me - I don't have a good grasp on that word & have seriously considered driving around town sometime to help define that word in my community), but I'm really praying about my motives & the sincerity of my heart - I'm not sure it's all there, yet. Even if my heart is not quite there yet (maybe truly very far away?), I can sense a discontentment with many things that I considered very satisfying and this is very curious to me and possibly an answered prayer to "less of self." I didn't have any strong direction for all these feelings until today, and then I had a learn Spanish. Don't laugh - okay, go ahead if you must - but I think somehow this is an important step for me, but I really don't know exactly why. I have some ideas of what it might could be, but I'm pretty sure I am just a piece of a puzzle, a part of a whole, a member of a team? I definitely feel I could be used more effectively, usefully if I knew how to communicate with a people in my community that would be considered truly poor. The Larry James Blog "Charity is not Enough" really got me thinking. I wanted to ask, "then what in the world should a person do?" Then I went on his website and saw a whole world of things that could be done. Forgive me if I boast, but I do consider Cary & I to be generous givers. There's defintely been a joy in that, but it's a disconnected joy sometimes. I just feel like there's more - more sacrifice, more joy. Like I said, I'm still praying about my heart & motives about all of this, but I am becoming strangely discontent with this world and very restless. I feel like if someone were to come up to me today to put together a group of people to open a store front food bank or anything similar looking to CDM, I would jump....maybe....still praying....still feeling a little weird even blogging about it. Maybe since Cary hasn't been around to bounce ideas off of I'm feeling a little more "bloggy" than usual. Don't leave me hanging, people. My faith is telling me to be vulnerable & share all this. Give me some feedback!


At 12:40 AM, Blogger Trisha said...

Jill, you're awesome. I'm so glad you are sharing your journey with us. Sometimes I am tempted to close my mind and just coast for awhile. Reading your blog draws me out of that mode and makes me "grapple" with things that are hard to think about. I'm so glad Cary married you!!!
And I think Spanish will be a great tool for God to use in any number of ways! Go for it! Funny--I just thought the other day that I've been a poor steward of that tool and need to find ways to brush up on my Spanish and help someone in the process.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Mama Brown said...

I'm behind you all the way on the Spanish thing.


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