Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

CCDA conference

Randy and I went to the CCDA conference today at Central Dallas Ministries about incarnational ministry - the theology and practice of relocation. To summarize, what we heard was that Jesus didn't "commute" to be with the people every day. He was born a poor Jew and came to dwell among us (the Message says "moved into the neighborhood"). If we aren't in the neighborhood - literally - then their problems are their problems. When we become a part of their community, the issues become our issues and we can identify with them, just like Jesus did with us. The speaker, Noel Castellanos, from Chicago pointed out that the Church today could be described as "commuter" and generally has little, if any, discernable impact on any particular neigborhood/community. Anyway, I could blog some killer quotes, but I won't yet. Bottom line from yesterday? To really understand the incarnation of Christ will impact how we live here on this earth. Sounds simple (but I cried all the way home from Dallas yesterday)! When the Lord is stripping away all your "crutches" and "excuses" it's excruciating. All the things I heard rang true with my spirit, but I didn't particularly want to hear them. I prayed on the way to Dallas that the Lord would break whatever it is inside of me that doesn't really want to right now - it's a bitter sweet answer. Wanted to share an excerpt from an email from Julie Pennington, one of my faith heroes. God was sweet to have her send it - she doesn't know what's been going on with us (by the way, she ended up putting this in their newsletter, so I'm not revealing her deepest darkest secrets):
"It's been a sweet week here wandering to the Lord in prayer on you behalf and thinking about you. One more thing I think I am supposed to share with you. We have had a hard February (yet full of incredible breakthrough this last week)-- I have almost quit about four times this month. But learning anew or maybe for the first time about God's grace for me each day. On a bad end to a particularly hard week, I was secretly plotting my escape from here. The whole shebang- getting to the airport, buying tickets home, packing up some stuff, do I take the kids or leave them here, what would Brent think when he came home and I was gone, etc. However, I got stuck on the issue of where I would go once I got back to the U.S. because I couldn't think of one friend or family member that would let me wallow in self pity and not send me back over here and tell me to work things out. So I stayed. Died some more and the Lord came and revived my deadness. I share that all to say, that when that day comes for you and maybe it already has, the day you realize that you are so far in over your head, made some mistakes, are ready to run and hide and forget it all, the day the lies are louder than the Truth, I wonder if maybe we are just normal and this is a part of the journey. Like when my doctor told me when Ben was a newborn that I wouldn't be a real mom until I let Ben roll off the bed accidentally. I thought to myself, "I will never allow that to happen." A few months later, clunck, and he's wailing on the floor. And now the Lord pours His love on me to give me strength for each day as I am so weak. So all this to say, maybe we aren't real "missionaries, church planters, ministers to the poor" until the day we plot our escape and then realize the Lord's power in our deep deep deep weaknesses. What He has called you/us to is impossible. Praise God. May He be glorified in our foolishness. May he make you/us more foolish and make us love Him more."
Amen. Blessings on this awesome family,


At 2:18 PM, Blogger LeeAnn said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. I don't know Julie but let her know she touched my heart today. Many thoughts right now...I don't blog often... You seem to be able to share your heart so freely and it is a blessing. I am amazed at what you and Randy are doing with your lives and family for the Lord. When I think about the things that concern me I am humbled...should we buy a different house, remodel this one, where should I work after May. So interesting to think that Jesus didn't commute. We can help with and give to all kinds of causes but really if we still live a life so far removed from those people how much of an impact do we have for Christ? Their problems can never be our problems. So much to think about.

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Jill said...

I really liked that quote from Julie - wow. Her honesty stuns me. Speaking of honesty...your honesty about what you are going through has been a blessing. Walls come down when you share like that, Anda, and I know you're not doing it to illicit any kind of response - just truth. Keep blogging!
Cary said he really enjoyed getting to eat dinner with Randy & the rest of the crew (I'm jealous - I would have loved to ask lots of questions and advice!).
We're heading out to Steamboat Springs this weekend - be there all next week. For the first time, I'm traveling with a laptop because I think - pretty sure - I'm addicted. I will really try to limit myself since we are on "vacation" (translate - "trip with kids").
By the way, I think I'm really going to sleep good tonight!
love you-

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Trisha said...

I'm so sorry we couldn't figure a way to go to the CCDA conference. I keep reminding myself about seasons...
Julie's words were wonderful to hear. Thanks for sharing that. I love her honesty (and yours) about real life.

We love you guys!


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