Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Guess who I saw!

Guess who I saw at church this morning?! Larissa, with Jarred Goudou. I saw Jarred a few weeks ago at caregroup. He was there because his cousin went to Westover. He decided he wanted to go to Westover, so this morning he brought Larissa with him. She said she really liked it there and wanted to start going to Westover. I've had a hard time getting ahold of her in the last few months, but now I have the right number. She's working at the Four Seasons Hotel and she said that she met Meg Ryan, Keanu Reaves, and some guy from the new movie that is about Arnold Schwarzeneggar. She said Meg Ryan is really nice and that the guy from the Schwarzenegger movie asked her out. It was really great getting to catch up with her. She seems to be doing well, but still would like a sponsorship. She was offered a sponsorship with a much smaller hotel, but turned it down when she got her call from the Four Seasons. She wants to be able to move up to manager someday, and with the Four Seasons, she would be able to move up quicker since it is a bigger chain. Maybe the Four Seasons will give her a sponsorship. Anyways, I just thought some of you would like to know how she is doing.


P.S. I am having a procedure done on Thurs. Feb. 3. It is an HSG Dye test and it will see if there is any blockage or scarring in my tubes. If there is any blockage, it should clear it out. Trisha knows more about this thing than I do.


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