Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Good stuff

Last night Alex's t-ball team came for dinner. It was great to have an opportunity to visit with some of the families and have them here at our home before we sit together at games. We feel like this t-ball experience will be a great opportunity to connect with our community. Our practices are at LBJ (our school/church), and several of the families had heard of or noticed our church meeting there. Some had even seen our yard signs that we had out for awhile.

Ben and Tim were in Dallas with a bunch of church planters Thurs/Fri. They were encouraged by what is happening in Texas and what is going to happen. Phil Claycombe (our Stadia guy) preached at New Life this morning--a great sermon about planting churches. He introduced a couple that is moving to El Paso to plant in a few months (not in person). Funny thing is, we are the nearest church plant to them, so we are getting excited about the opportunity to work with them some. By the way, that 10% tithe we've been giving to Stadia will go to that plant as we determine.

We had a few GCR folks again today--some show up almost every week, just to encourage us. The Bartholomees have done so very consistently. I hope they are affirmed that God is using their seed-planting to bring people to Him. I cried, still sad that the Glenwood family we love has missed out on this blessing. I still pray that someday they will choose to be part of something like this.

We had a great day at New Life--I'm still amazed each week at the things God does. We've had a kid visiting Oasis (our youth group) a few times because his coach invited him. This past week Ben got to give him a ride home and talk to him more (he'd noticed he had brought his Bible and was very engaged in the Bible study), and this morning he came with his mom, brother and a friend. There's much more to the story, but it was just really cool. Coach Fernando planted, Ben watered... We'll see what God does.

It sure is exciting seeing God work. Phil talked in his sermon about how often we are so familiar with things of God that we miss seeing God. (He said it much better than that.) Although I still think I miss a lot, I'm thankful each day that God has shaken our life up enough that I am seeing Him in new ways. It makes me believe in Him more and more.


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