Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Drama Queen

She's not old enough to have much drama in her life, but tonight Katy just couldn't quit crying. As she climbed into bed, she said, "All my friends are dead. That's why I can't quit crying." "What???" I asked. "Well, not my real friends. My pretend friends."

I heard something earlier today in the back of the car about killing her stuffed animals because they wouldn't do something. I guess that's the price of killing all your friends...

This is disturbing stuff...

By the way (Reagan will be especially happy to hear this), we came home from the lake to a very smelly kitchen. Hopeful, we began checking the mousetraps, and sure enough--a dead mouse under the kitchen sink!!! HOORAY! He has licked the peanut butter off several traps, but we were sneaky and put 2 together this time. Licked one clean, but wasn't careful enough on the second!


At 8:56 PM, Blogger Mama Brown said...

Don't you just love our children? They CRACK ME UP!! Randy and I laughed a lot about Katy's little trauma last p.m. Bless you!



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