Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

God is Good!!!

As all of you know by now, after more than a year of Cary's blood, sweat, and tears, the ball finally dropped through the hoop last Monday night. Thursday night, as they were all in NYC to finalize things that didn't go as expected, was a test of faith for sure, but God is so faithful. Monday was a long roller coaster day with the ball circling the hoop all day, but God finally gave us the go ahead.

I don't really understand the implications of what happened, but I believe it is an opportunity to bless many people. For the most part, we are all just glad that this stage is finally over. It is hard to say thank you sufficiently for all Cary did that will bless all of us. I am SOOO proud of him. I know he is exhausted, and my prayer is that he is being refreshed with his family and God's beauty. Thank you to Alan also for all he has done to make this happen.

Thank you all for all your prayers on behalf of "the deal." We all prayed for God's will to be done, and I believe it was. The deal is on the cutting edge of a new business approach, and it was no small feat to pull it off. Please continue praying as Cary steps into the role of CEO that he agreed to do only if God insisted upon it. :) I think he will fill that role with the same quiet strength and faith that has already marked his work to this point, but he will need God's constant presence and guidance in this new world of more public business.

We have much to be thankful for, but our family relationships--the way you all encouraged and prayed for Cary (and Jill) and what is happening, even though you were not directly involved--are an incredible strength and blessing. God continues to amaze me with His goodness. May all the glory be His forever and ever.

I love you all, mom


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