Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

YouthWave Malibu IV

One of the things we push for at YouthWave is to be sensitive to and available for whatever God might be doing around us. That means we don't just witness at "witnessing" time. Strange stuff happens all around us.

This morning a 16 year old kid in a baseball camp here at Pepperdine finally hooked up with me. He has been, I am not kidding, he has been chasing me for 3 days. He is the son of a Hollywood producer (Good Morning, Vietnam) and extremely curious about Christianity. He asked me to talk to him, really, he stopped at my table when I was praying and journaling and asked me to take some time to answer some questions. He literally interrupted me to ask me to to tell him the gospel. Neither one of us had time that morning so I promised to make time. He told me that he is leaving today (Thursday).

Yesterday I was meeting in the cafeteria with the campus ministry team from the church here. He came up to our table and asked if he could sit in on the conversation. I told him no. It wasn't a good time. I told him that I would find him later. This kid is a very bright, handsome, very sharp kid. How many 16 year olds would accept that kind of rejection? I tried to find him later but he was gone.

This morning he came by my prayer table again. This time I asked him to sit down. We talked for an hour and a half. He had amazing questions and insight. His only connection with Christianity is a mean pentacostal grandmother. His questions demonstrated a heart and curiosity and understanding that I haven't seen from a kid. I felt like I was in a chapter in Acts. Who knows what happens next. We exchanged email addresses. I fully expect to hear from him. It's quite a ride.


At 6:10 PM, Blogger Trisha said...

Wow. I needed that encouragement today. God is at work. It's up to us to pay attention and be available.

We had a painful moment this afternoon when one of our elders not only said no to being a financial partner with us, but also said no (flat out) to being a prayer partner for us. It's hard for me to even fathom saying no to someone who asks you to pray for them. But he did. My skin is still not thick enough, because it really hurt!

I needed to hear about a heart that's open to God's movement. I'm excited about trying to be in "YouthWAVE mode" as a lifestyle along with others who have the same mission.

Thanks for sharing that encounter. Love you,


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