Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Random thoughts

I know everyone is out of town, so this may not get read. But I'm feeling pensive, so I thought I'd just blog a bit. It seems to me that we live in a difficult time here in America. I feel like we're right on the verge of a national breakdown. Maybe it has always felt this way and I'm just getting grown up enough to notice it. As I read the teachings of Jesus and the prophets and I look around me I realize there are not many people who worship God. Many people are fairly moral. Some attend church services. Few people worship Jesus.

How many men do you know who are like Daniel? Occasionally I see people who are very outspoken and public with their faith. They do the right thing when it's unpopular and they pray no matter who's watching, like Daniel did. I also meet people who live moral lives with diligence, like Daniel did. It seems that not too many people are in both groups, though. I want to be overtly Jesus-loving, so everyone knows who I worship. I want to stand up in crowded auditoriums and say, "Sir, that's not true. We didn't come from apes." Daniel did that sort of thing. He was in a land where everyone worshipped a false god. They all told happy little lies to each other about how their idols were taking care of them. Daniel didn't just pray in his room and wait for things to get more favorable. He stood strong, and at times loud, in honor of his God. That is hard for me. I like for people to like me. So I preach to my kids at home about how evolution is wrong, but I don't take the opportunities to stand up for truth in the public forum when those opportunities are there. I know it seems like spitting in the wind now, but God can still close lions's mouths. I believe that we have turned a corner as a nation. It seems that from now on the government institutions will be run as if there is no God. We must be like Daniel now more than ever.

I also want to be faithful in all that I do. I want to be the most well-educated doctor in my clinic. I want to have the best kept medical records and be diligent in my tasks. That's hard, too. I find myself putting church and family concerns above studying medicine. It's easy to settle for good enough sometimes.

My prayer for my family is that we will grow in diligence and faithfulness, and that we will not be turned off by those we consider to be fanatics. My sense is that if we don't become fanatics ourselves we will find ourselves bowing our knees when we should be standing in defiance. May we do all that we do with humility of heart and passionate love for Jesus.

From your wretched, blood-washed brother and son who's more thankful that ever for God's grace,


At 10:20 PM, Blogger James said...

I don't feel very qualified to answer this thought, given my age and limited experience, but I have considered this government question a lot. Things do seem to be slipping as far as Christianity being in the open in government, but in some ways I think the immoral element has always been there. Even though the 10 Commandments are just now being removed from public buildings, there has always been an element that ignored them or secretly wanted them removed. Some openly deny God exists, and other refer to a "god" that is not "God". Although an immoral, evil, satanic element has always been present in this country, it is just now coming out strongly in the open through Hollywood and music. Our grandparents and parents have dealt openly with a society of foul language and rebelliousness. We and our children will deal openly with a society embracing the occult, becoming intolerant of morality, and living in pagan revelry.

The truly alarming thing to me is the speed at which our government is giving away its sovereignty to the "International Community". After a certain line has been crossed, we will be unable to enact laws in this country that could curtail the downward slide.

I have a unique view of that working at the Law School. International Law is gradually supplanting federal and state law. You only have to keep up with the news to know that.
There are now two Brits, two Jewish nationals, a Russian, and a Spaniard currently teaching courses at the Law School. The Spaniard is teaching Constitutional Law, my next question being: "What would a Spaniard know about the US Constitution?" Law Schools around the world are hosting "symposiums" concerning different areas of law, forming an international concensus about issues such as water law and regulations, human rights, environmental issues, and others.

As far as being radical, I have some views about prophecy and "end times" issues that many Christians could consider "radical", because I have prayed and studied extensively on the subject. Many who follow Christ are so wrapped up in their lives they cannot put the time in to study, and they cannot see what is going on around them. It was about 2 1/2 years ago that I believe the Spirit put that on my heart. I truly believe I am where God wants me to be so I can see what's going on.

Truthfully, I could not say what I would need to say to bring understanding in a short period of time in a discussion. A person would have to give months or even years of prayerful study, reflection, and attentiveness to come to an understanding.
The study has given me a better understanding of teachings, phrases, and the timeline of biblical events. I will say that prophecy and God's promises are more complete and meaningful after the study. Details could cause more division and misunderstanding than be helpful, so the thoughts I will leave are the words of Jesus. "Be as shrewd as serpents, and as innocent as doves", and from Luke, "Watch!"

Randy, you have a loving and gracious heart. If the whole world were as giving and attentive to spiritual needs as you are, there would be little to no sadness or hunger in this world. I had to brag on you this week when an undergraduate student assistant shared that he was going to Thailand over Spring Break to build housing. I only hope that some day God will give an opportunity for me to impact others in such a special way. God will give additional opportunities as they come.


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