Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

has anyone tasted one?

I'm just wondering...has anyone actually sampled one of the new grapples? My kids keep wanting me to buy some, but they're a little pricey (sp?). Just wondering.

I'm also beginning to wonder if it's wise to continue to allow a lawyer to continue posting on this blog. He seems to be having some difficulty separating WORK and BLOG. By the way, whatever happened to the suit against Cary? Randy was just wondering. He's gone to bed already - anyone have any remedies for his extreme fatigue? The man needs about 16 hours of sleep a day!

Well, we'll be really missing you guys at World Mandate this weekend! We understand busy schedules, though! We'll pick up any good cd's, etc.

I really don't have much to say tonight. Just wanted to say "hi" and that we love all of you. And if you're needing any kind of baby fix, you've got to come and visit the cutest - and I do mean that - baby ever! Moriah could not be any cuter and sweeter than she is now. Trying to talk, walking, cracking herself and everyone else up - she is a precious gift from God. I call her my grace baby.

Bless you guys,


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Jill said...

This is how clueless I am - I've never heard of an edible "grapple." Snapple is as far as I go. Is this a beverage or food?
Do you have any pictures of Moriah you could blog us? I think I need a baby fix! Just a fix, mind you, no more for us!
love you, gal!

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Mama Brown said...

Hey Jill,
Check and see if you see them at Albertson's or HEB. A grapple is this new fruit - looks like an apple, tastes like a grape. I've also seen them at Sam's. Interesting!!

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Alan said...

We have been grappling with so many other issues that we have not addressed the legal imbroglio. I'll have to revisit the issue.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Mama Brown said...


At 3:08 PM, Blogger Tod Brown said...

I think imbroglio is a cross between rutabega, broccoli and corn. It is very delicious but leaves a bit of an aftertaste (not to mention the end result). You can look for them at most organic farmer's market coops. I think.


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