Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Speaking of ordering things online and checking your credit card statements...

Today we received a fairly large package from "Uggs". I thought maybe sweet Ben had ordered me something for Christmas, so I didn't open it (you know I love to be surprised), but asked him about it later. He didn't recall ordering anything Ugg-related, so we opened the box. There was a pretty nice lambswool coat. We tried to imagine where it had come from--the mailing label said it was from "Uggs...Australia". It definitely wasn't a real Ugg coat (if such a thing even exists), but it is nice. It was insured for $690. We checked our credit card activity and there it was--a charge for $690 to some company in Australia (as well as a $42 foreign transaction fee). So, either one of us shops in our sleep or our card number has been stolen. The weird thing is that whoever used the number failed to change the shipping address to their own, so we have their Christmas gift! Another unfamiliar charge is also on there, so I'm wondering what other treasures we'll be collecting in the next few days!
Meanwhile, the credit card company is looking into it and I'm sure I'll be shipping the coat back to Australia! (Bummer--Ben thought it looked cute on me!) And we've had to cancel our only credit card--one week before Christmas. UGH!!!


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