Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm getting old

I got home on Monday after a busy day at work and an unfamiliar thought came to me. I was changing out of my suit and into some casual clothes before sitting down to eat with the family. As I laid my suit on the bed I actually considered whether it would matter if I left my dress socks on with my sweatpants and Nike shoes. I reasoned that I wasn't going anywhere and it would help Holly for me not to get another pair of socks dirty. And then it hit me. This is the thought process that many of the old men I had chastised in my youth had gone through before they wore shorts and dress socks to a Little League baseball game. While I had only contemplated the famed fashion statement in my own home, it could only be a matter of time before I was flaunting it in public. I knew such sartorial splendor would come with old age, I just didn't realize old age would come so soon.


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