Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hey family

Just saying "hi". Had a fun weekend at ACU. Good to see some old friends and Aunt Holly! Loved seeing you and the girls, Holly, and it was definitely the highlight of the weekend for my kids!

Need you guys to pray. Randy says I'm a fairly non-compliant patient and I guess he's right. Didn't take many vitamins over the last several months and I'm extrememly anemic. Not surprising - it's happened almost every time. But it's worse than I've ever experienced this time. I'm now taking my vitamins and iron, but can't really get up without getting really breathless, heart races, etc. I can't remember ever being this tired! Wouldn't be that big of a deal if I could sleep most of the day, but not an option! Just please pray for increased energy and grace to be a happy, joyful, smiling mom-on-her-rump-who's-telling-all-the-kids-what-to-do-because-she-can't-move!

Our little purpose group has been so fun! QuingDan (pronounced "shing don") is so sweet and seems to be one of those people that God has just chosen. It's fun to be here watching what He's doing. He has been leading her and preparing her heart for this and we just get to be a part of it! He is good!

Hope all of you are doing well! We can't wait to be with everyone again - I guess there will be SEVEN of us next time we see you! In spite of the falling-apart-body this really is such a joyful season of getting to welcome our new Piper or Isaac into the family! God has been so sweet to us!

Love y'all,


At 10:10 PM, Blogger LeeAnn said...

Anda we will be praying for you! Take those you I was always anemic when pregnant but it sounds more serious this time. Can't wait to meet little Issac or Piper.
I may be coming to Fort Worth this weekend for a volleyball playoff game. Just in and out again. Take care of yourself.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger April Cogburn said...

I understand about the tired part. I come home every day now from work exhausted and falling asleep before 9:00. Kids can really run you ragged. I'm sure you are a lot more tired than I am though. I've heard anemia can do that to you. We're praying for you too, and can't wait for us and Lena to meet Issac or Piper. It's nice to know that my child will have a cousin her age to play with. Not too much longer. We'll await the call of his/her arrival, unless I'm in labor. Hang in there.


At 1:03 AM, Blogger Trisha said...

Anda, you are great! I love your attitude about this little one! I'm praying for grace in the form of rest.

I've been listening to a book-on-tape called "First Time Mom" by Kevin Leman--the Sheet Music guy. It has some good advice (although like his other book, I find it odd that he seems to know so very much about being a first time MOM!) One point that I needed to hear again was this: Your child(ren) will not grow up caring a whole lot about how straight the house was or even your cooking expertise (or I would have to add how much I'm involved in church stuff). They will care much more about how much you loved them. So sit on that couch and let them snuggle you to their heart's content while they watch videos. They will remember their mommy's sweet touch! What a blessing you are to them! Piper or Isaac is in for a great life!

We love you all!


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