Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Monday, March 14, 2005

One more run, mom!

Thought I would give another obnoxious ski report plus pictures from spring break. We (everyone except Josh who was in ski school) skiied hard the first day. My family would all wait for me at the bottom of each run since I am the only one in my family with a healthy fear of injury/death. Cary kept on yelling at me, "It's a controlled fall - go faster!" The term 'controlled fall' is quite the oxymoron, and did not set well with me as I was sliding down a steep blue on my back.

You never really intend on skiing as long as you do. I kept on thinking, "Okay, this is about it for me....I'll probably go in after this run...Yep, I think my feet have lost circulation...bout time to go in." I even verbalized most of these thoughts to my family, but they cheered me on, "One more run, mom! Come on, you can do it! We'll go in after this run."

My bad for believing them.

Pretty soon I started to realize that my legs were not responding to the signals my brain was sending. I was "done" about three runs prior to the one I was on, and I was starting to yell things like, "Hey! Don't ski that close to me! Keep going - we've got to get down this mountain!" I was panicking.

We were basically kind of lost - we kept on skiing to the same lift chair. I would think, "Okay, we made it," and then I would see the same lift and think - no way - we were just here! We were skiing in circles.

Then, I heard the dreaded words from one of my children..."Mom, I gotta go pee!" Now I was really yelling. "On your right - no left, get out of my way! Ski fast! Go straight down the mountain, children - don't stop!" Our family is looked like a "Ski-Fest" racing competition - it was brutal.

Mitch can ski great - pretty parallel skiing - great hockey-stop. He likes the blues & blacks. Emily and Ashley look like trick skiiers. They play on-going games as they ski down the slopes. Snowball fights and tag are their favorites. They look like a tiny purple and a tiny pink streak whizzing in and out of startled skiiers.

Josh was in ski -school for 2 days and skiied with us the rest of the time. We were all so proud because he skiied his first blue slope. Poor thing, he didn't know what he was getting into, but he figured it out fast about half way down the mountain. I couldn't resist getting out my camera and documenting the "midway meltdown."

We made good (and not so good) memories, and we have started to restore our family relationships after a 16 hour road trip home. We are thankful to God that He kept us safe and kept us grateful for every crazy minute of our trip!


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