Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Austin & UT Katrina Help

Austin is also trying to help with Katrina victims. Around 5,000 refugees will find their way to a local shelter after going through Houston.

On Tuesday, UT's President Faulkner opened Fall enrollment on a visiting basis to students with Texas residency or that graduated from a Texas HS enrolled at colleges hit by Katrina. On Thursday, our Dean offered to accept the Dean and a portion of the faculty and students of Tulane Law School, and so far have admitted 60 2nd and 3rd year students that arrive on Tuesday to continue their studies. I'll be helping the new students and may accept a Tulane Faculty member should they also decide to come with 1st year sections. Certainly the health and life issues are most important, but it's also good to know that some professionals and many students will be able to continue their work and studies in spite of the devastation.

See you on Sunday.



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