Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Musings of a Proud Father

Well, we sure are impressed with Lena and her development. In fact, we're feeling like Isaac is sort of behind. We made ourselves feel better though as we thought about some of the things he can do. Just to show you how developmentally advanced he is, we thought it would be good to share some of those things with you:

--He is not quite as linguistically advanced as Lena, he does grunt quite expressively as he strikes his brother on the head with his light saber. (As they say, "Actions speak louder than words." Though not, incidentally, louder than Luke's wails.)

--He doesn't seem to be keeping up with Lena in the potty training area either, but he does hold his own legs in the air when we change his diaper. He also has mastered the art of testing to see if his diaper is poopy or not. (Though he has not yet determined how to deal with his fingers when his tests turn up positive.)

--He also is quite spiritually advanced. He seems to be taking this missionary thing to heart. In fact just the other day he was so overcome with love for the heathens that he pushed open the front door and ran into the streets to preach. By the time I reached him he already had two cars stopped and was obviously winning them over when I interrupted his outreach. (Imagine how surprised he was when I scolded him instead of encouraging his efforts.)

--As far as fine motor skills go, he is able to pick boogars from well beyond his nasal septum up near his pharyngeal tonsils. I mean if his finger isn't actually touching his brain, it's about as close as a finger can get. And then to see him come out with his intended target at the tip of his finger is just a joy to a father's heart.

--And then there are his gross motor skills. (Some of you may have thought that last one fit into this category, but medically speaking it just means the movements of his bigger muscles.) Well this boy can dance. In fact, he is able to get his body to move so smoothly and skillfully as he senses the deep rhythms of the music and interprets its hidden soul that he has more than once been compared to one of the greatest dancers of all time--his father.

Well, I hope this list doesn't lower Lena's self esteem too much, but I just felt like it was time we let the world know what a special boy we have.

Bursting with Pride,


At 11:53 PM, Blogger April Cogburn said...

Well, Isaac can do things that Lena can't---like dancing. And on the potty training, she's only done it 3 times. And while she can pick her nose, she's not as skilled as Isaac. And even though Lena may talk more, Isaac has a wonderful trait that comes from his father--quietly listens. He's contemplating on just the right thing to say. And well, they both have a heart for Jesus, and wouldn't you say that is the most important?

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Jill said...

I love this picture of Isaac. He looks really cute with his "long" hair - like a big boy, not a baby anymore! Randy, your blog made me laugh - made me ready to see an "Isaac dance!"

At 10:46 PM, Blogger Trisha said...

Funny, funny! And the picture is just darling.

I'd like to share about the tremendous successes of my almost 3-year old Super-lijah (who does not wish to turn 3, so he insists he's having a "TWO" burt-day) and my 1-year old princess in all the arenas mentioned. But I don't want to make you two feel bad so I will resist.

Honestly, your posts made me miss those two!


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