Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Elijah's latest development

Elijah has reached a new stage as well. My usually great little eater has gotten a little picky. This morning we had Pop-Tarts. The path of least resistance--easy, no dishes, everyone loves them. Elijah couldn't wait for his. After just one bite his Pop-Tart broke, as they all do when you take a bite, and he began to cry. Watching him try to put it back together, we finally realized the problem. We each demonstrated with our own that all Pop-Tarts break and it was a normal part of life. He would carefully put his back together, then try to pick it up only to find that it re-broke. Crying turned to screaming, and after 15 minutes of torture for the rest of us trying to ignore his tantrum, I finally decided he'd have to take his morning nap without breakfast. Poor baby.

You'll be happy to know that he did take a bite of a broken Pop-Tart on his own when it was all over so I felt a little successful. You know the saying, kids. What do we get for crying? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Not even a perfect Pop-Tart.


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