Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Family Baby Shower

I just wanted everyone to know that we are going to do a "family-style" baby shower for April & James on October 1st here in Midland. Since a lot of us wouldn't be able to go to Austin on Oct. 8th, we thought we would treat April to a lunch or dinner and then "shower" her at someone's house with gifts and dessert. Guys and kids will fit in somehow - either at the house for dessert, or for the lunch or dinner. Exact plans may change, but the date is set for Oct. 1st.

Randy and Anda, we know this is relatively easy for us to do here in Midland (around everyone's soccer, football, and volleyball schedule, of course!). We definitely want you to be a part of this if you can, but since you're the only ones that would have to load up a suburban and 4 kids, please don't feel pressure (inevitable, but try not to!). If this date works for you - great. If not, we understand. Hope your trip was wonderful - can't wait to hear about it!

We got back from Branson & Kanakuk in great shape (I love the Ozarks - it's the hillbilly in me), and then headed to school on Monday. Mitch will start in two weeks so he is "buffering" the empty nest feeling that I should be feeling with Josh starting kindergarten. Maybe the loss will hit me later when things settle down. Regardless, it was precious watching Josh sit at his desk and seeing that look in his eye like, "so this is it-real school!"

Just wanted to let everybody know about the shower! Have a great week!


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