Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

As I wrestled through worship today with my little ones, managed to get permanent marker on my favorite dress (thanks to one of those precious little hands), administered medicine, listened to LONG stories, got sticky kisses and "I love you SO much!" hugs, juggled my baby girl in my lap through lunch, put kids down for naps, and did all the other things that are part of being a mommy, I am so thankful for the mommy who did all those things for me years ago.
One of the things I continue to be grateful for is the way you taught me to love the Word of God and seek truth and wisdom there. Asked what was one way that I showed Jesus to him, Alex said, "You teach me scripture and explain what things in the Bible mean." I wonder, would it have occurred to me to do those things if I hadn't had a mom who did them for me? Even now you challenge me to grow in my knowledge of scripture. I'm so thankful for your encouragement.
Wherever you are across the ocean today, please know that you are loved and cherished--for all the many ways you have given of yourself to nurture us, and now our children. You are a very special mom!


At 4:49 PM, Blogger Rita said...

Thank you, Trisha. I am humbled. I am also so thankful for the wonderful job you are doing as a mom. It brings me great joy to know that your children are being taught God's Word. Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

At 5:54 PM, Blogger April Cogburn said...

I also thought today about how what a great mom I have, and what I have learned from you, Mom. I thought about what kind of mom I would be if my birth mother had kept me. God knew what kind of mom he wanted me to be, and gave me the best mom to teach me. I couldn't imagine a better one. I don't think I would have learned as much had you not been my mother. Thank you for always loving me and teaching me to be the best that I can be.

I love you Mom!


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