Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Great Bug night

About 25 students gathered last night at "the club" (I'm not sure what to call the facility previously known as the Odessa Country Club. Maybe we could just use a logo....hmmm) for our midweek devo that we call "Oasis." 5 teens came for the first time--which was so encouraging. We've started a new tradition where we give each 1st time guest a $5 Sonic gift card--to which they all were like, "this is soo cool."

But here's my question, should we do anything more for the friends who brought them? Like mail them a card with a note thanking them for bringing their friends? or the first time they bring a friend, send them a sonic card too?

I don't want to bribe students --but I do want to find fun, simple ways to affirm the way these teens are partnering with Christ to impact their friends lives. Got a suggestion? bw


At 10:40 AM, Blogger James said...


I think the Sonic card for guests is a great idea. I think that a personalized form letter mailed with a stamp sends a good message to the youth bringing the guest, and it will be less expensive than handing out Sonic cards to everyone. That could be excessive at some point, I agree. A letter praising them, thanking them, and offering support gets the message across that you care and recognize their heart and contribution to the Kingdom. You don't want it to sound too "form-ish" , so make a paragraph or two individual to each letter. It's a small time investment, but I think it's worth it, and it's how I would approach it in your shoes. Hope this helps. :o)



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