Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Luke and a story of the Brown legacy of extreme disciplines!!!

Hey family! Today we celebrated Luke's 5th birthday! It's family birthday year so we had a low-key (as low-key as you can get with 5 kids) steak with macaroni and cheese dinner with lots of Star Wars gifts. Can't get much better than that.

Does anyone remember the Alan and Randy getting the 69 licks story? I know we've all been pondering our legacy and the values that are being passed on to the next generation. Well, Josiah is now the proud recipient of another Brown "extreme"ly extreme discipline! Ha! He's had some serious issues with honesty for quite some time now and RB and I had actually been praying about it a lot this week. I won't go into all the details of what happened this afternoon, but let's just say that he ended up not going to his soccer practice. I could tell RB was on a mission as he bounded upstairs with his computer. He came back downstairs with this verse printed on a sheet of paper "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." He took Josiah and said they were going on a walk. When they came back he informed me that Josiah cannot attend any soccer function (including his first game this weekend) until he has written that verse 500 TIMES!! (I'm sorry, maybe you didn't get the impact of that - let me change my font). 500 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RB confessed that he knew that was too many, but of course he would never turn back now. We're talkin', the boy cannot play or do anything else this week until that thing is written 500 times!! He worked during every spare moment he had all night and managed to knock out 40. I just keep thinking of you, Rita, and laughing! Your unwillingness to waver has been passed down!! Pray for Josiah (seriously, we are fighting for our son on this issue - it's a big problem)!

Love to all of you!



At 12:41 AM, Blogger Rita said...

Oh, Randy and Anda! I really am proud of you. However, I am also praising God that I am in Grandmother stage and not the parenting stage. Those tough issues and decisions can test parents to the max. I really think you are doing the right thing, and someday it will be in the family archives and truth-filled Josiah will enjoy telling about his "mean" Dad as he administers his own version of the 69 licks. Integrity is an issue worth going to the mat for. Way to go!!! (He will survive and succeed, I promise.)

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Trisha said...

Go, Randy and Anda.

Mom, we had a funny conversation at lunch Sunday with Sean and Darla Patty and Gary and Sharon Gaines. Sean and Darla started telling Brown stories, the 69 licks one being one of them. They thoroughly enjoyed telling the Gaines about my childhood, confirming that the things they had heard were true. I think the Gaines were sort of in shock. Their kids are grown and Sharon's statement was that she wished she had done some things differently. It's funny to hear our legacy being passed on, even to people outside our family. (They got their stories from Growing Kids and Ladies Class at GCR.)


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