Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Monday, May 09, 2005


Mom, I'm sure proud to be your daughter! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday, dust-covered and all!

If our family has a theme right now, it has something to do with homes! We met with our realtor today--a sweet "retired" age lady who goes to Glenwood. She found this house for us 8 1/2 years ago. She cried when Ben told her we're moving, and is concerned about the worship "going back to the old fashioned way." A common response, it seems. We are prayerful that God will provide just the right fit for this place when we leave.

Ben is meeting with our elders tonight to talk through an "exit strategy", including when we'll announce our departure to the church and all the details thereafter. We've talked to all of them already, as well as many of our close friends. We will probably meet with the missions committee soon to ask them to help support us financially. We're praying a lot about that.

Our kids are very excited. Katy told the realtor today, "I'm moving close to Abby Claire and my cousins!" I think they'll also be happy to be close to Grandma, Grandpa and aunts and uncles. But I know you understand that cousins are something special!

Meanwhile, we have until Friday to get our house ready to sell. I'm cleaning out closets fast and furiously to try to make it look more "spacious"! We want to put it on the market so that it can be shown next week while we relax on the beach in Destin. (Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!)

Enough to overwhelm us--we've got lots to do! But God is good and continues to confirm that this is of Him.



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