Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

too many pictures!

I think I overdid it on the picture thing - sorry! Just wanted to update everyone on life in Ft. Worth. I guess that about sums it up! Randy took me to the Four Seasons in Las Colinas Friday p.m. thanks to sweet Larissa! Thanks Larissa!! It was amazing - we were just sad that we only had time to stay one p.m.!!
The concert was challenging, a blessing, funny, etc. last p.m. We came home feeling REALLY dependent on God, thinking "what have we gotten ourselves into?" Ha! This a.m. we discovered that sometime this week someone broke through one pane on a window in our house trying to break in. That was a little bit of a faith challenge for me, but God has truly poured out His faith. We've been praying since we moved here that God would plant His angels around the perimeter of our house and for His protection of our property. For some reason, they never made it into our house and didn't even break the second layer of glass. That can only be God. I'm really thankful - He's been reminding me again today that the Lion of Judah is protecting us. I asked McKenna if God or the person who tried to break in is bigger. She immediately said "God." Then she started singing "God is bigger than the boogie man" (you know, from Veggie Tales?)! It's true!! You never know when those annoying Veggie songs are going to come in handy to build faith! HA! Pray for us. Thankful for opportunities to believe God. Everyone went to bed with peace tonight.

Let us know about Thanksgiving - we're up for whatever. Dale and Rita, are you going to be here Friday p.m.? We're just trying to figure out if we need a sitter - we'll be at a rehearsal dinner. We've planned on getting a babysitter all along, but didn't want to steal grandparent time IF you wanted it! Just let us know! Love all of you and are really looking forward to Thanksgiving.


At 3:34 AM, Blogger Rita said...

Better plan on a babysitter because we still do not know what our specific plans are. When we know, we will let you know. Look forward to seeing you. We loved the pictures!!! We will write more later---this European keyboard is driving me crazy!!! Even the period is uppercase and the main letters are all in different spots!!! Love, mom

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Can you ever have "too many pictures?" - guys, you're not allowed to answer that question.

Cary and I loved the pics of Armani and the Mighty Men - and we loved the pics of our adorable nieces and nephews!

Cary did get a good laugh from Randy dancing - is that an oxymoron?...Randy + dancing? Cary says it would be for him for sure along with - Cary + singing!


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