Brown Family Blog

This is the online journal of the Dale and Rita Brown Family.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Memorial Day Info

Hey family. Just finished up the last day of school - I'm somewhere between insanity and elation. The reality of summer will hit hard and I will end up back at insantiy. School will begin again...elation...insantiy.

Thought I'd break the vicious cycle with another attempt to "control" the chaos of Memorial Day food planning. Conquering food planning is an elusive goal, but something sick about me keeps rising to the challenge. Holly and I have been brainstorming for yet another way to simplify and streamline feeding our hungry, growing crowd.

I'm sending you an email with an idea to try - certainly an experiment, and open for improvements. If you guys could post or email back with what meals your family will be at, that would be great.
Thanks guys!


At 9:08 PM, Blogger Mama Brown said...

Jill, we're for sure going to stay until Monday afternoon, but Randy and I (and as many of our kids as we need to take with us) will be going to Christ Fellowship on Sun a.m. for the Hawaii team send-off. Would you guys be okay with us leaving our older 3 at the lake? If the whole family is willing to take on Moriah, that's fine, but we figured it might be easier for everyone if we took her with us to FW for the day. Anyway, I can do any of the meals on Saturday or Monday (and probably Sunday p.m. - we should be back late afternoon). I'm not picky, so sign me up for whatever works for everyone.
My only question about the meal planning is whether or not it will work out to be fairly even for everyone financially - i.e. family with meat would end up paying a lot more than someone else. Are you thinking divide up by categories because we tend to duplicate if we divide up by meals? Just a thought (I think there just is no simple way to feed so many people!! Ha!).

At 10:12 AM, Blogger April Cogburn said...

James has orientation for his summer class here in Austin Sat. from 10 am to 11 am. We will leave after that to come to the lake. So, we'll be there for Sat. dinner through Mon. afternoon. I talked to Larissa, and she won't be leaving Austin till Sat. morning.

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Jill said...

hey guys-
I've heard back from everyone - thank you! I sent an email out today of the menu and what groceries you need to bring. Let me know if you need to change anything. Looking forward to the lake!


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